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August 2015 Babies
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My LO is 3 weeks old and has started to randomly get fussy throughout the day and not sleeping as well at night. He seems to have a lot of gas but he always has. It's weird to see him cry like he's in pain and it takes a long time to try and comfort him. He won't sleep as long and wakes up fussy. I noticed he is wanting to nurse more, whether it be for food or comfort. I was wondering if any other moms are experiencing a fussy irritable baby when they used to be much more content? Possible growth spurt? Colic? Food allergy? It's hard to tell!! I feel like a zombie from losing sleep the last few days and I really hope this is a short term behavior \ud83d\ude13
One thing I will add is he does seem to calm down when I lay him down on an incline and massage his belly gently. He will pass lots of gas if I keep at it and has runny normal yellow stools. But most, if not all, stools will squirt out. Anybody have any similar cases with their newborn? What did you do to help? I tried Mylicon and gripe water- both don't seem to help a lot. Ideas?
There's a 3wk growth spurt - this may be it
I hope so! Just wasn't sure if growth spurts make them fussy and cry in pain in the evenings. During day he is better but still fusses...It's worse in the evening until early morning. Also, I swear he will only sleep when he lays on me for longer periods...If I put him in his swing, he will wake up in 15 minutes if not sooner. So hard! This is my 3rd child and never experienced this before
FTM here and my baby is the same way!! He is keeping us up until 1 in the morning lately. We are so tired! Would love everyone's advice!
I could have written this post myself. I totally had a breakdown this morning and cried my eyes out. It makes me feel like a horrible mom because I can't comfort my son. I am now thinking he may have silent reflux because he doesn't spit up much or arch his back, but does have hiccups frequently and gets combative with my boob. He is also a little hoarse but I though that was from all the crying. I need to take him to the doctor, but in the meantime I am doing everything you're doing plus cutting dairy from my diet to see if that helps.
Same here!!! I got some gripe water for the gas and it really helps. No more painful fussing. It takes hours for her to get all the burps out. Now it's much shorter
I feel like I wrote this post. Same thing going on with my baby. I think she is having food allergies. I'm recording what I eat each day starting today and seeing what she reacts to because she had good and bad days where she doesn't react the same each day. Some evenings more gassy than others. I think it is dairy so I'm cutting that out.
I was thinking to record what I eat and see if there is a correlation between fussiness and something I consumed. It will definitely be hard to pinpoint what's going on. I noticed when my LO nurses he does swallow a lot of air and sometimes it's impossible to get a burp out. Maybe it's been building up in him since he's been nursing more? Hopefully all us mamas can get some peace with our LO's soon! Couldn't imagine having twins!
same here
YES. This post is exactly what my LO has been going through lately. I thought it was silent reflux, growth spurt, allergy, colic, gassy. Still haven't figured it out, but also found out he has a lip tie and might not be getting enough to eat which might be making him extra fussy.
Ah parenthood. Hoping we can figure it out soon. I hate seeing my little man in pain.
Wow. It was as if you were describing my son and I see others saying the same. My LO is 4 weeks today and we have been dealing with this for a week now. It started off just in the evenings, but now it's all day long. He seems to be in so much pain. Gripe water does seem to help some though.
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